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Mama Kath’s Place

I’M PREGNANT (m)Posted By: Suz, 1st beta 34, have to wait till MONDAY for #2Ok,’s the news..My nurse called, and I am pregnant..YIPPEE!! But, my beta was only 34. She said it’s a little low (tested at 12dpIUI).They wanted me to wait until NEXT THURSDAY to come in for another blood test…and of course I told her I COULD NOT WAIT THAT LONG!!!!I told her that the women on my ttc discussion board all get to take a beta and then another TWO DAYS LATER to see if their beta’s are doubling.She realized I was upset and then said I could go ahead and come in on Monday 7:00 a.m. for another beta…whewSo now I have to go this whole weekend to wait. Will the torture never end??? Nope it doesn’t. You worry from the day you have your IUI/IVF and at doesn’t stop…but it’s a good kind of worry. But then again, I wasn’t even gonna take an hpt until Saturday and then go in Monday for the beta in the first place. See…I should have waited! Maybe I’m just being punished for trying to rush things. (Can’t rush a good thing…anyone hear the story of the man who saw a butterfly stuck in it’s caccoon, so he pulled it out to help it, but then it couldn’t fly because it came out too soon? ;)I will need your positive and doubling thoughts and prayers now more than ever!! (And you can bet you WILL find me at CHURCH on Sunday :)Thanks so much for you support ladies!! I wouldn’t have known to ask for the 2nd beta if it wasn’t for you. I TRULY appreciate each and every one of you!! And I wouldn’t mind hearing about success stories about women with low beta’s. :)Now I just must wait and trust that it’s in God’s hands and out of my control (not easy for a control freak).

Two Lines!!!!!!!!!!!!Posted By: SarahI was ttc #2, I lost #1 at six and a half months. Now after a year and a half of trying I saw two lines this morning!!!!!!!! I have been on clomid, b6, and green tea this cycle and something must have helped. Something different my doctor tried was starting my clomid on day 1 and going for 7 days. I don’t know if anyone else has started this early but after three cycles taking if days 3-7, this cycle went much better. Obviously!I wish you all the best of luck and my prayers go out to all of you.Try to stay positive :-)although it sounds easier than it is.

Thanks for this Website.After twelve years of not concieving, whichI blamed on my hypothyroidism, we conceived in March.My progesterone level was also low. Sadly we miscarried in May.Figuring that was a one in a lifetime event, I half heartedly started tracking my temps in June and usined an ovulation prediction kit. My cycles were irractic. Sept 10 I shared with a friend that I was one day late for my longest cycle, and that I was afraid to test. My test on Sunday was positive!!! Progesterone and HCG levels were done on Monday. My progesterone was at a good level . HCG was elevated, but they will continue to monitor them.I found this site to be very informative. Keep up the good work.

I am very pleased to finally send our success story. We have been TTC for 2 1/2 years with no success. We have tried ALL the natural methods ( including acupuncture and herbal remedies) without success. I don’t temp anymore, so there are no temperatures to share, but here’s what we did this month.I drank 1-2 cups of green tea daily ( have been for 1 year)Took EPO Days 1-15Took 50mg of Clomid days 5-9 (right before going to bed each night)OPK positive Day 14IUI Day 15 ( US showed 2 eggs had already ovulated)Geritol Complete multivitamin daily18 days post IUI ++++ HPT!blood test confirmed pregnancy yesterdaySymptoms: crampy after the IUI, mild deep cramps 7-8 days after IUI, VERY SORE BOOBS 12 days after IUI, which has continued. Mild stuffy nose for the last week or so, continuing to have mild cramping. No spotting, nausea (yet), or headaches. More fatigue than usual over the last week or so. I am a runner, and have noticed excessive fatigue if I run longer than 20 minutes (35-45 is normal for me). We had not tried Clomid or IUI prior to this month. EDD 5/19——- we can hardly believe it! DH and I are both 32, and we are just thrilled! Hopefully everything will go well from this point on.Christie K

I’ve only been visiting this site for about a month but it’s been very helpful for me. I enjoyed reading others’ success stories, so I thought I’d share mine.I have a 6 1/2 year old daughter from a prior marriage. I always thought fertility would never be a problem because she was conceived on the very first try – first BD with no protection. My husband I were married almost one year ago. We got PG right away – first time BD w/o protection. I had a miscarriage very early on. I was devastated but wanted to begin trying again. TTC since then – last October. I had very irregular cycles (3 weeks then 7 weeks, etc.) and this was before I knew about BBTs and CMs. On the long cycles, I always thought I was PG and I should have bought stock in HPTs – I certainly used tons of them.Finally got into a good doctor after the first doctor cancelled several appointments. My new doctor determined I had not been ovulating and put me on Clomid. This was the second month with it. I knew we timed it right based on my BBTs but I did not purchase TCOYF until after my thermal shift so I had no idea if I had good CM. I thought I had a triphasic shift about 5 days after thermal shift but it has varied since then. My doctor scheduled me for blood test even before my AF was late. Went last Thursday. On Friday, she called and said it was a + result but just barely – HcG was at 24. She seemed concerned and wanted me back in for blood work on Monday. My weekend was torture – wanting to be excited but tortured over the fact that the number was so low and worried because of last miscarriage. I took HPT on Saturday and Sunday and both were positive, but not very dark lines. I did have symptoms – sore breasts, nausea, frequent urination, constipation (fun, fun) and that kept me somewhat positive, but today (Tuesday) waiting for my blood results, was the longest day of my life. The doctor called and told me my HcG was at 199! I was finally able to celebrate. I even told my little girl because she’s been wanting a little brother or sister for so long – she asks me every morning what my temperature was and whether I started my period. She is so exited.Good luck to all of you out there. I know it’s hard. I don’t have any advice on handling the emotional part because I did not handle it very well at all. ++++ thoughts to all of you.Nicole

Posted by SherriTTC #1; cycle #3, 17 dpo?PERSISTENCE! I still don’t know exactly when my ovulation was. It was somewhere between 13 and 17 days ago. I never used an OPK because I was charting my BBTs since March and also knew that EWCM meant ovulation. I probably would have used one next month if we hadn’t conceived. I don’t know how we did it this month, though, because the EWCM and the drop and rise in my temperature did not coincide. It must have been our persistence. We started on the night when my temp dropped WAY down. I always kept my hips elevated for at least 20 minutes afterward. I’d try not to go to the bathroom right away if I could help it because the acid in urine kills sperm. We tried every other night for about 5 nights and the last time was the very next night (EWCM day number 2). I figured we’d hit it sooner or later! Also I made sure I took prenatal vitamins (I used over-the-counter) well in advance. They contain plenty of folic acid. I made my DH start taking a multivitamin daily, too. His health is just as important as mine.I kept charting and charting, but I get PMS earlier than most, I think, and I thought I was PMSing just a week or so after that first try this month. I thought af was coming on for sure; that’s what happened every other month. I had given up on the idea for this month when I started to notice that for several days in a row my BBT kept climbing into temps I rarely saw that early in the cycle. Usually temps didn’t stay that high; just before af my temps would soar and then drop off, but not this time! They stayed high–and higher than usual. I became curious and decided to keep a close eye on the temps. They just kept climbing and climbing. Believe it or not, the highest was 99.9 at one point, but that was a fitful night of sleep (due to the anxiety), so I’m not so sure I can count it. My temps right now are running about 99.2, which is pretty high for me.I felt pretty PMSy for all that time and thought that was curious, too, because usually when I’d retain water it would eventually leave my body, but this remained for two weeks! It’s still here and now I know why…I finally convinced DH to come with me to get a test. I used the Equate kind. (I was waiting on my ttc tests, but they didn’t come until today.) The Equate are supposed to be pretty strong. It turned up positive in probably 10 seconds!I have noticed several symptoms. On day 14 I had implantation bleeding (before my test). My breasts have swollen and are tender, but I haven’t noticed the blue veins or darkening of the aereolas some people have reported. I haven’t missed my period yet; that’s supposed to be tomorrow or Wednesday. (My cycle’s 33-34 days). I have been hungrier sooner and need to eat more often–already! No morning sickness yet, but I have had some cramping and gassiness more so than usual. Today I had a weird colored CM–it was a dark yellow, but it wasn’t creamy. It was a lot like the implantation spotting, but it was yellower. I read that around your time of the month, you might spot a little when you’re pregnant and that it’s usually not a cause for concern. I assume this is what this is. I’m going to keep a CLOSE eye on it. If anything weird happens, I’ll definitely call the doc.I think in our case persistence and health were the key elements. We had to get going and stay mentally motivated! Now we’re due in May…just at the end of our school year (and I’m a teacher!). Lots of dust to TTCers…and don’t give up! Keep reading up on the latest new info on TTCing. You never know what might work for you.Fertile thoughts+++++++++++++Sherri

Dear Kath,I like this website and your honesty and warmth that comes through. We are 2 and 1/2 months pregnant and I was able to hear the baby heartbeat today.Thanks once again.Joan
I have been an addicted member of the TTC boards since May (wish I had heard about TTC when we started this journey in November) However, I just recieved the news that I am indeed pregnant and due in mid-May.I was diagnosed with hyperprolactinemia in November, and had been annovulatory for 5 years. After several visits to the doctor’s in my hometown and was told at the age of 26 that I was infertile and nothing could be done for me but hope that meds would work. After giving up on them (and their terrible attitude) we decided to give it one more try and go to another group of doctors about 50 miles away. Within 3 weeks we had a diagnosis (hyperprolactinemia-too much of the milk hormone) and I began taking meds (Dostinex .5 mg twice weekly) to control the condition.In May, I began Clomid 50 mg and then June 100mg of Clomid. June was the first month that I had ovulated in over 5 years! After learning what to expect with my temperatures and figuring out that I don’t ovulate until day 18, no matter what days I took Clomid.In August, I didn’t ovulate until day 19 and went through a post coital test which turned out fine since it was done on day 18! At about cycle day 25 and 6 days past ovulation my temps went triphasic. But I didn’t test until day 30 and got a positive on a Clear Blue Easy at 10 a.m. in the morning. After verifying with a pregnancy test at the doctor’s office, I am 5 weeks pregnant and due in mid-May.I can’t begin to tell you how supportive the TTC site has been to me. After the first day on the database board, I met and now talk with another person that has the same condition as I do and we are so blessed by each other. If it weren’t for the TTC board, we would have never met. Thank you and I can’t belive that I am among one of the success stories, but thanks for giving me the outlet to share my good news!Thanks,Prolactin Lesa
It’s official!! My beta at 16 dpo was 528 (m)Posted By: Ashley2-cd31, 16dpo, 4+ HPT’sI’m still in complete shock. I thought for sure this cycle was a bust. My doctor wasn’t monitoring me and my Dh was out of town a lot. As you can clearly see from my chart.. LOL. Anyway, I didn’t do anything different this cycle. Just bd on the days I thought we’d have a chance, and of course took my vitamins. Oh yeah, this was my 2nd round of clomid. 100mg’s on days 3-7. My doc. wanted me to take them on days 5-9, but it seemed to me there was a much higher success rate on days 3-7 so I switched myself. Shhh don’t tell… LOLI also have to say that my temps didn’t indicate anything going on. They were the weirdest I have ever seen. I do, however, think I had an implantation dip on day 11. Tuesday I tested negative, Wednesday is when I had the drop and Friday is when I tested positive.Take care, and good luck.Ash
 Hi, at the end of July I conceived.I am still in shock.My last pregnancy 9 years ago was with the help of Clomid.This time, after going off bcp in AprilI started Vitex, EPO and folic acid.Because of traveling and schedules we onlywere able to be together during oneovulation cycle and BOOM this was it.This will be my 5th. My others are 8year old quadruplets.So far I do not know if it is multiples again.

Posted by: LizP edd 3/9I first got pg in late January after 8 cycles of trying.I had one beta, and one appointment with the NP at 6 weeks.Everything seemed fine then.My bbs were getting really huge,and that was really my only symptom.NO m/s, but neither of my sisters had any m/s,so I didn’t worry about it.We were so thrilled.We told our families and close friends at 8 weeks.My next appt was at 11w3d.I went in, and the dr tried to find the heartbeat.Nothing.I didn’t worry, b/c the dr said that my uteruswas tipped, and its hard to find them that way.They scheduled me for a u/s that day.It was a technician who did the u/s,and she tried to find something from the outside,but finally did an internal, and said”Do you want me to tell you what I see, good or bad?”We said yes (dh was there – thank GOD) and she said,there’s no baby here.There is just a pole and a sac measuring about 6 1/2 weeks.Needless to say we were devastated, and I wanted a D right away.I needed it to be done and over with.Truthfully, they never even mentioned the drug options,though I knew what they were.2 days later I had the D.It was April 6. I managed to tell my mother, andmade her tell everyone else. I didn’t want to deal with it.My boss knew, so I had to tell him,and I took the rest of the week off of work.I told the board I was leaving,and told Momma Kath to take me off the ticker.I was miserable. I bled for about 11 days.I thought, that’s it, I’m 36,and I’ll need to have major medical interventionto have a successful pg.5 1/2 weeks later, af arrived.The dr had said to wait 2 cycles to try andget pg again, but didn’t really say why.I, of course, ignored this adviceas I wanted to be pregnant again as soon as possible.The next cycle, I did 1500 mgs of EPO a day,since I had gotten pg using EPO before.No go, though. My cycle had returned toits normal 28 days, and I O on cd16.By this time I was also concerned about theweight I had gained and my bbs,both seemed to want to hang on.Nothing I could do was making either of them go away.The following cycle I upped my EPO to 3000 mgs a day(same as first pg) and this time, it worked.(My weight and bbs had also returned tonormal by this time.) We found out on July 5that my beta was positive.I had made them do a quantitative,and it was 228 at 17 dpo, progesterone at 19.7.I also made them repeat it 2 days later.They didn’t really like this idea,since they didn’t usually do this, but I wasinsistent.Second beta: 704.I was a bit relieved, but cautious -I had been fooled before.I refused to get excited, and didn’t tell anyone but dh.I insisted on a u/s early,and got one at 7 weeks.There was a heartbeat, but I wasn’t going to get excited -I had been fooled before.I did have some m/s this time, mild, but definitely there.That helped me feel better about the whole thing.Due to a big ovary, I got another u/s at 9 weeks.Still a blob with a heartbeat,but I wasn’t going to get too excited. Not yet.My next dr appt was at 12w4d.This was the big test. The dr pulled out thatdoppler and I held my breath.She couldn’t find the heartbeat and I think myown heart stopped beating. Finally, she got it.A loud, fast whooshing sound.O MY GOD!I think my heart burst out of my chest.I had no realization of how much I was holding things in.I am now safely to my second trimester,and for the first time, I believe I’m going to have ababy this time. It’s only starting to sink in now.I am feeling much more in control this time around,since I am not accepting the nurses and doctors saying”You don’t need that” or “that’s normal”.From my own research and the wonderful women on this site,I feel sometimes I know more than the medical personnel,and you have to take charge of your own medical care.For anyone who’s miscarried, I know the pain and despair,and even though it’s hard, try not to give up hope.For all the women here, and Momma Kath,Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your support.LizP

This was my first Clomid cycle. Last cycle I didn’t O, my progesterone was only 5 on cd 21! I took 50 mg., days 3 – 7. I only had EWCM for one day, but it was the first I have had in years! (All this is happening after Depo-provera for 5 years) We started BD on day 14, through day 14 was creamycd 15 was less creamycd 16 was EWCMcd 17 was creamy, with O paincd 18 was creamy, with O pain, every day after was creamy until cd 27!Now temps and symptoms:My coverline this cycle (according to Fertility Friend) was 16 97.6cd 17 97.5cd 18 98.2cd 19 98.0cd 20 98.1cd 21 98.0cd 22 98.2cd 23 98.0cd 24, 25 no tempscd 26 98.2, sore bbscd 27 98.4, sore bbscd 28 98.2, sore bbs, mensrual like crampscd 29 98.2, sore bbs, bad cramps, shooting abdominal pains, brown spottingcd 30 98.6, nightime cramps, sore bbs, brown spottingPositive hpt (Aimstick) on cd 30, and again (Clearblue Easy) on cd 31. Blood test to confirm at Dr. cd 35.As I write this I am 7 weeks!The only things I changed, other than Clomid, was I gave up caffeine and alcohol (for the most part).I might add too that all this happened during a VERY stressful time in my life, there was a lot going on, and I really thougt my O would be affected by it. I guess it didn’t matter!Good luck to all of you out there who are still ttc, don’t give up hope, faith has a lot to do with it. So does having a doctor you trust!Amber

Well, where to begin. I’m 35 y/o and I was lost until I found this web site. Spent 4 years TTC with 1 missed 3 years ago. On the infertility treadmill for past 2 years with 2 different doctors. Went all the way to 1 failed IUI and was ready to quit. Did not want to do ARTS since I’m Catholic…so I searched the web and found this wonderful site.Started immediately next cycle temping and watching mucous. Also took all of the vitamens, baby aspirin etc. NO CAFFIENE (I’m a former Starbuck’s Junkey), and no alcohol.OV’d on D#15 by temps and life cycle. DTD every fertile day except one. Had better CM than in the past. By 4dpo my breasts were already getting big and tender which isn’t normal for me until 3 days before AF. Temps stayed up and continued to have symptoms including mild indigestion and lightening flash cramps. Decided to test on 8dpo with HPT I got from this site. Well, at first nothing. So I left it on the sink and came back 10 minutes later to notice the Faintest second line. It was sooooo faint that when I showed DH he told me I was imagining things. I was let down but studied that thing so closely I was sure it was +++.Decided to wait to see if AF would come which it seemed she would since on about 9dpo I started to get stronger cramping. I was really bummed out. But I continued to watch my temps which were staying up. 98.4-98.8. Finally on 12dpo I got up the nerve to test again. This time definitely 2 lines but the second was still faint. So I took the stick and put it in an card addressed to my husband with “BRAVO, now do you see one or two lines?” written on it. Well, he definitely saw two this time. We were happy but still nervous. Called my infertility MD and got a + test in the office the next day. I am sooo thankful. Still cautiously optimistic but at least I’m +++++++++. Want to thank the lord for answering my prayers, especially the Infant Jesus of Praque. What a blessing! 
Thanks for everything and many +++++++++++++ thoughts for all of those who are still waiting. 

Okay ladies (especially those on the DPO obssession train – I know I used to feed on these details! LOL)…here are the details.I have really irregular cycles, and cycles can be anywhere from 35 to 60 days. Went back in BCP in Feb to regulate my cycles, but got pulled off of them end of June because of high BP. Had two menstrual cycles (6/30 cd1 and 8/14 cd1) before this cycle. Due to you ladies on this site who were always asking what my temps were, what my LP was, when I O, I finally caved in to the pressure and starting temping and charting. THANK YOU ALL, as I think this is the only reason why I am pg today. I was able to see my O date. I was to grossed out about checking CP, and had no noticeable CM to note. Coverline was 97.1 or 97.2 depending on which software you were talking to.cd1 to cd15 : no tempscd16 to cd24 : 96.8 – 97.1cd25 : 96.9cd26 : 97.0 BDcd27 : 96.6cd28 : 96.6 BDcd29 : 97.1 O day1dpo : 97.4 BD2dpo : 97.73dpo : 97.84dpo : 97.4 Fall back temp dip?5dpo : 98.06dpo : 97.87dpo : 97.98dpo : 98.2 Implantation? 2-3 hrs cramps9dpo : 98.410dpo: 98.3 Triphasic from 8dpo11dpo: 98.312dpo: 98.313dpo: 98.614dpo: 98.3Sleeplessness : 7dpo to nowFeeling cold (and cold hands and feet) : 8 dpo-12spoCM : noticed yellow CM on panties 4dpo to nowLower back ache : 9dpo-11dpoBBs : No changes, absolutely normal. Some discomfort and veins at 14dpoTesting – DON’T LAUGH! :-)10dpo pm : TTC hpt, almost invisible ghost line11dpo am : TTC hpt, still a ghost line12dpo am : TTC hpt, super light line12dpo pm : First Response Early , definite line13dpo am : Clear Blue, definite line in 1 min, 
no line after test sits for 2 hours #@^#%$???13dpo pm : TTC hpt, light line14dpo am : EPT, definite line!!I want to get some blood work done, but I thought you’d want to know about the TTC details asap! I’ll post any beta level updates when I get them (might take a while!)BTW, on the last BDs before and after O, I was on top.Thank you for your support ladies!! I think you guys are the best…it’s amazing how much we can learn from each other here, and the amount of support that is found here!! Keep believing, it WILL happen to you! 
Want to see my temps?

I am proud to announce I am pg with #2!!! Yippie!!!! Herea re the details I posted on the board.We have been TTC#2 for almost a year. First round of clomid didnt work. Second made me ovulate but no pg. Third round I o’d CD17, only BD’d 4 times this cycle and got PG! I didnt take Vits/Herbs – no Robi, epo, baby asprin. Nothing. Didnt even elavate my hips after BD. Thought this cycle was a total bust. Tested 13dpo twice with “Confirm” took about an hour to come up. Tested this morning with Clear Blue and the line came up right away. Not as dark as the control line, but definitly visable.Went to the Dr.s today and she bawled her eyes out! She was sooo happy for me! She orderd all kinds of B/W including a quantatative Beta. (I asked and she said that was a good idea) She also sent off a fax to the hospital so I can get an 8 week U/S to rule out multiples and to make sure the EDD is accurate. June 5th!!! 🙂 I am so happy!Here are the details starting at O time (Check my chart for temps, cm and cp) Started to feel twinges and crampiness at CD12. Started getting the odd pimple on CD15. O’d CD17BD’d CD’s 8, 13,15, & 16 
CD17 – O 
6Dpo – Started feeling cranky 
8Dpo – Implantation 
10Dpo – Started feeling bloated, sore BBS, and nauseus.++ HPT’s @ 13 and 14dpoThanks so much for the wonderful site. God Bless!