Mama Kath
Trying To Conceive Founder
You are not alone!
Hi Ladies…
At the age of 40 and after a ton of tests, the medical profession labeled me “unexplained infertility” and “spontaneous aborter” … ARGH!!!
These diagnoses inspired me to become Mama Kath. You see, I could get pregnant but not stay pregnant. How utterly frustrating! Life is funny that way, turns out that this would inspire me to help a world of couples restore hormone balance, clear blocked tubes, eliminate migraines, annovulation and infertility by introducing herbs and food supplements to their daily regime. I have been helping couples around the world conceive for 16 years and have countless confirmations (and babies around the world) as proof of our successes.
I am past menopause now and realize if I had been able to have children, I never would have opened this door to helping others conceive naturally. I feel blessed to have found my path and have been passionately helping others ever since 1998.
To give you a little history, I was born in 1952. I married the first time in 1977 (age 25) and became pregnant weeks after stopping my birth control pills in January ’83 (age 30) (EDD 10/3/83) but miscarried on 4/13/83. The 2nd pregnancy took considerable effort but we finally conceived 9/19/84 (EDD 6/19/85) only to miscarry on 11/19/84. Both pregnancies ended in a miscarriage at 6-8 weeks. They told me I had to miscarry at least three times before they would do testing. The miscarriages took a toll and we divorced.
After meeting my soulmate, we conceived on 7/19/93 (EDD 4/19/93). When I began to bleed at 6 weeks (like all the rest) I saw my doctor immediately! He told me how “unfortunate” and to go home, put my feet up. I lost it, grabbed his tie and said “I want you to do something…I don’t care what…but do something!”
Watching his little heart beating through vaginal ultrasound so I went home to relax. The bleeding became quite heavy over the next 5 days and heartbeat stopped. I had D&C on 9/19/93.

After passing all the tests, even DNA genetic one, their default answer appears to be that to prevent another miscarriage I am to begin taking progesterone once I know I’m pregnant, through the first trimester. After that the child produces the needed hormones to sustain the pregnancy.
These experiences led me on a mission to understand my body and the cause of my miscarriages. I bought every medical book I could find that talked about gynecology and endocrinology. This website was started (1998) when I decided to TTC one more time. After answering thousands of emails in the first year and more questions on the site I have began the project of writing a TTC book. I have since then tried and believe in herbal remedies for restoring and maintaing hormone balance.
I’m so glad you found this site it’s nice to know we’re not alone in our TTC journey. If you think I can help, send me an email but please be patient, I am one person trying to make a difference.
Sending lots of love and positive thoughts+++
Mama Kath
Mama Kath years later…
You may know me as Momma Kath or Mama Kath….
As Mama Kath, I’ve enjoyed assisting countless couples around the world conceive naturally!
As a surrogate mother for Moms-to-Be in this world and a safe terminal to communicate about conception, body concerns, relationships, dreams, hang-ups, fears, whatever is bothering you…
This has been my life’s greatest accomplishment thus far has been turning my passion into a global community that enhances and changes lives. Considering one in six couples is experiencing fertility issues, having my finger on the pulse of women who are trying to conceive for the last 15 years has given me insight and wisdom.To enable me to share my message, in 2004, I became a “Toastmaster” so I would enable myself to share my message in person. Note: Toastmasters is a non-profit organization that develops communication and leadership skills.
Please contact me if you are in need of a “presenter/speaker” who will inspire and infuse hope in your audience!
My topics include:
Living Life! Trying in Trying Times, From Bogie to Birdie (Confidence, Toastmasters & Golf) Find your Voice (Toastmasters) How Quickly Things can Change (Water Safety & CPR) It’s Never too Late! (Adult Non-swimmers) Passion Pays (entrepreneur/internet business)Trying To Conceive (Getting Pregnant and Staying Pregnant)Body Balance (homeostasis) Fertility Hormones, Our Mental Health