Pelvic Girdle = Psoas
Have you thought about…

the weight you will be carrying around?
Let me introduce you to the
PSOAS Muscle
pronounced SO-AS
also known as Pelvic Girdle or Core
As a women of childbearing age, there are many things you can do to increase your fertility. One of them is to keep your pelvic girdle flexible so there is a normal blood flow in and out of the area.
The “psoas magnus” is a long muscle connecting both vertebrae in the lower (lumbar) spine and edges (margins) of the pelvis.
When there has been trauma to the abdomen, whether from endometriosis, surgery, spontaneous miscarriage, or the like, it can become “locked up”, creating a ridge that can prevent a normal blood flow to and from the abdomen.
There is a technique to “release” the psoas, which the video will demonstrate. Whether your partner can do it for you, or you call around and find a massage therapist familiar with this process, consider the benefits of opening up blood flow to the abdomen to increase fertility and flexibility.
NOTE: You want to consider this massage only after your menstruation has stopped and before ovulation.
Bring new life to your abdomen!
Have a massage therapist check your pelvic girdle (Psoas Muscle a/k/a Pelvic Girdle). Watch this video showing a new gentle approach to a psoas massage:
Consider monitoring your pH level.
Our body is comprised largely of water and this water can be either acidic or alkaline. The acid or alkaline level is measured on a pH scale (potential for hydrogen). When our pH is high, we are more alkaline and much more sperm friendly! For DNA-RNA synthesis and the body’s natural cleansing (healing) processes to occur, cell pH must be alkaline. High acidity accelerates and increases the possibility of cellular mutations (cancer) therefore, it is very important to keep your pH in check! Fibroids are non-cancerous tumors but nonetheless they are uncontrolled and a source of continuous abnormal cell growth.
The body is quite capable of clearing away debris if given the proper nutrients. You can raise pH (and thus lower acidity by):
Eating fresh (raw) foods (fruits and vegetables) and avoiding coffee, sugar and overcooked food. Get your daily dose of whole food folic acid and alkalize your body at the same time with Asparagus Extract in both cap or tea.
Remember to Breathe!
- Take a slow deep breath in through the nose to the count of 8;
- hold that breath to the count of 8; and
- exhale slowly out of the mouth to the count of sixteen (twice as long as in the inhale).
This will empty your lungs of stale air and help rejuvenate and alkalize your body!
Increase blood flow, strength and vitality!
Engage in frequent exercise such as:
- KEGELS (InControl Pelvic Exercises); and
- PILATES (strengthen core and alkalize blood)
Here are some links to products you may like:
- Psoas Release Party!: Release Your Body From Chronic Pain and Discomfort
- Prenatal Pilates (Strengthen & Sculpt) w/Caroline Sandry
- Winsor Pilates – Endless Fitness for Beginners
- Gseat G Seat Orthopedic Gel Chair Comfort Cushion
- Verseo Super Kegel Pelvic Muscle Thigh Exerciser
- Kegelcisor
- Trigger Points (Quickstudy: Academic) [Pamphlet]
- Acupressure Laminated Reference Guide (Quick Study Academic Outline) [Pamphlet]